där ser man vad folk tycker å tänker om mej:P
fick nyss en länk till nån stor bmx-hemsida där bmx i norden hade diskuterats och det visade sig vara en hel del om mej, här är diskusionen:
Hi there,
while surfing the web yesterday night, i visited the Norwegian Sandnes BMX club website. Nice track and holder of two of the Euro Rounds in 2010.
I know that there a couple of good riders coming from norway. Like AG, SK and Andre Fossa Aguiluz.
But... what´s up with the rest of Scandinavia. (Denmark aside, cause they don´t consider themselves as Scandinavian. If i remember right...)
Well, of course you can forget Iceland. lol
What happened to the Swedish?
I watched some "Svenska Cupen" videos on YouTube where Gustafsson is doing a great show. Maybe a bit overbearing, but so what. He´s young. lol
What happened to Matamoros? And the girl Cim Sjölander? Are there any more future hopefuls
Is there any BMX Racing in Finland? Never heard of one Rider coming from there.
Can anybody (Grendizer can you hear me? lol) here on Vintage give an update on the Racing scene in Scandinavia?
Talking about Rider count, track count, international activities, future outlooks etc.
euro from Germany
hi there
thats right Filip gustafsson is THE best swedish rider. there is no other swedish rider touching him.
norway has o young guy named birkeland that is in class with filip.
why wouldn't denmark belong to scandinavia? there are also a cuople of good riders there.
Finland had one racer in this years Nordic Championchip (denmark, sweden, norway, finland) but he is not living in finland, just racing for them.
Cim sjölander is more into 4x nowadays
matamoros has seen better days (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
i actually dont know how many riders we have but there are 9 swedish bmx clubs. and on an international scene we race pretty bad;) except for a few guys.
we do have a lot smaller races, on those we use to be like 8-12 racers in the 17+ class. a bit more racers in the younger classes
our tracks is holding a pretty good standard with many new build tracks and a few more clubs are getting new ones next year.
copenhagaen is holding the worlds 2011!
here are a few newly pics from their track
are track in Malmö sweden is looking like this:
But the future looks dark, at least for sweden;) as we said before we do have gustafsson but he is 19years old now and we dont have any of those crazy young guys in sweden. We do have a few hopes but thats just on a swedish or top nordic scene. Al other riders that are pretty good racers are 22+ and they are not crazy good (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
or what do you say mattias(grendizer)
Tarm pretty much covered it. BMX is really small here in Sweden. I'd say here are around 200-250 riders total in Sweden and around 90-100 that race the national series and championship. 5-10 hit up some of the euro rounds.
Filip Gustafsson is hands down the best rider we have, and probably the best in the history of Swedish BMX. I'm not sure he is really interested in pushing himself to the next level though. He seems to mostly ride steet/park/dirt, and he has started tattooing so I guess he is not really interested in full commitment to a racing career. We shall see...
Personally, I don't think we have any serious racers in Sweden. At least not over the age of 19.
I truly don't believe you can live in Sweden and be a serious BMXer.